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Brazilian sports clubSoccer club

Club de Regatas Vasco da Gama (Portuguese pronunciation: ['klubi d?i ?e'gat?z 'vasku d? 'g?~m?], meaning Vasco da Gama Club of Rowing), commonly referred to as Vasco da Gama or simply Vasco, is a sports club based in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Although originally a rowing club and then a multi-sport club, Vasco is mostly known for its men's football team, which currently competes in the Campeonato Brasileiro S�rie A, the top tier of the Brazilian football league system, and in the Campeonato Carioca, the top state league of Rio de Janeiro.[4]

Named after Vasco da Gama 400 years after he made the voyage to open the European�Asian sea route in 1498, the club was founded in 21 August 1898 as a rowing club by Brazilian and Portuguese immigrants workers.

Vasco created its football department in 26 November 1915, being the professionalism adopted in 1933 � pioneer in Brazil.

[5][6] In addition with its main departments of football and rowing, Vasco has other sports departments since 1910s.

Its youth academy, where did came from international footballers such as Rom�rio, Philippe Coutinho, Hilderaldo Bellini, Roberto, and Edmundo, is well known for its socio-educational methodology.

Vasco also has social club activities since its foundation, and social services including school and philanthrophy.[citation needed]

Due to its history of diversity and mobilization, most notably A Resposta Hist�rica document and the crowdfunding to the build of S�o Janu�rio stadium in 1920s, Vasco da Gama became a sports club symbol of anti-racism and multiculturalism, hence the motto "Respeito, igualdade, inclus�o" ("Respect, equality, inclusion").

[7] Although, Vasco is historically subject of controversy due to its own complex political and administratives disputes, which reflects in sportive instability.

In national football, Vasco da Gama has won 4 Brasileir�o, one Copa do Brasil, and 24 Carioca.

In international club football, the club has won one Copa Libertadores, and one South American Championship of Champions.

The golden generation of Vasco da Gama, dubbed O Expresso da Vit�ria, won five Carioca in the 1945�1952 eight years span, and did Vasco the first continental club champion ever by the 1948 South American Championship of Champions title.

This team, which included Barbosa, Ademir, Fria�a, Danilo Alvim, Augusto, and Chico, among others, is considered one of the greatest teams of its generation and all time.

With fans worldwide, Vasco da Gama is one of the most widely supported clubs in Brazil, the Rio de Janeiro state and the Americas.

Vasco plays their home matches in S�o Janu�rio stadium since its inauguration in 1927.

Occasionally, the club also plays their home matches in Maracan� stadium since its inauguration in 1950.

Vasco holds many long-standings rivalries, most notably with Flamengo, Fluminense and Botafogo.

Originally from rowing in 1900s and extended to football in 1920s as O Cl�ssico dos Milh�es, the Vasco�Flamengo rivalry is considered the main rivalry of Brazilian sports.

History [ edit ]Foundation [ edit ]

In the late 19th century, rowing was the most important sport in Rio de Janeiro.

At this time, four young men � Henrique Ferreira Monteiro, Lu�s Ant�nio Rodrigues, Jos� Alexandre d'Avelar Rodrigues and Manuel Teixeira de Souza J�nior � who did not want to travel to Niter�i to row with the boats of Gragoat� Club, decided to found a rowing club.[citation needed]

On 21 August 1898, in a room of the Sons of Talma Dramatic Society, 62 members (mostly Portuguese immigrants) formed the Club de Regatas Vasco da Gama (Vasco da Gama Rowing Club).

Inspired by the celebrations of the 4th centenary of the first sail from Europe to India, the founders named the club in honor of Portuguese explorer Vasco da Gama.

[6] The emblem was created shortly after.

The diagonal slash in the emblem represents the route the Portuguese explorer took, and the cross symbolizes the Christian faith.[citation needed]

On 26 November 1915, Vasco and Lusitania Sport Clube merged, resulting in the creation of Vasco's footballing department.

Beginning in the lower leagues, the club's first match was played on 3 May 1916; a 10�1 loss to Paladino FC.

Vasco became champion of the Carioca Serie B in 1922 and ascended to Serie A.

Vasco won its first top-division title with the 1923 Campeonato Carioca, becoming champion with a team including whites, blacks and "mulatto" players of different social classes.[citation needed]

1920s: Overcoming social & class inequality [ edit ]

During the 1920s, football in Brazil was a sport for the elites, and Vasco da Gama's racially diverse squad didn't appease them.

Some players were required to take a literacy exam before putting on their boots.

In 1924 Vasco da Gama was pressured by the Metropolitan League to ban some players who were not considered adequate to play in the aristocratic league, notably because they were black or mulato and/or poor.

After Vasco refused to comply with such a ban, the other big teams, including Fluminense, Flamengo and Botafogo created the Metropolitan Athletic Association and prohibited Vasco from participating unless it complied with their racist demands.[citation needed]

As a result, The former President of Vasco, Jos� Augusto Prestes, responded with a letter that became known as the Historic Response (Resposta Hist�rica),[8][9] which revolutionized the practice of sports in Brazil.

After a few years, the racism barriers fell, and Vasco became known as "Clube de todas as ra�as" (Club of all races).

[10] The club had led the move toward a more inclusive football culture, forward-thinking not employed by leaders from other Rio-based clubs like Fluminense, Flamengo and Botafogo.[citation needed]

Even though the club was not the first to field black players, it was the first one to win a league with them, which led to an outcry to ban "blue-collar workers" from playing in the league-a move that in practice meant barring blacks from playing.[citation needed]

In 1925 Vasco was readmitted into the "elite" league, with its black and mulatto players.

By 1933, when football became professional in Brazil, most of the big clubs had black players.[citation needed]

On 21 April 1927, Vasco's Stadium was inaugurated with a match against Santos.

Santos won the match 5�3.

[11] On 26 April 1931, Vasco had a historic 7�0 victory over rivals Flamengo; this is the largest victory margin between the two clubs.[12]

Expresso da Vit�ria (1944�53) [ edit ]

Between 1944 and 1953, the club was nicknamed Expresso da Vit�ria (Victory Express), as Vasco won several competitions in that period, such as the Rio de Janeiro championship in 1945, 1947, 1949, 1950, and 1952, and the South American Club Championship, the world's first ever continental club tournament, in 1948.

In 1953, Vasco da Gama won its first intercontinental trophy, the Torneio Intercontinental Octogonal Rivadavia Correa Meyer.

Players such as Ademir de Menezes, Moacyr Barbosa, Bellini and Ipojucan starred in Vasco's colors during that period.[13]

The Super-Superchampions Generation (1956�59) [ edit ]

In 1956, the Vasca�nos became Rio de Janeiro champions and Little World Cup runner-up, losing the title to Di Stefano's Real Madrid, which Vasco would beat in a friendly shortly after the end of the tournament, becoming the first non-European club to defeat a European Champion.

[14] In 1957, this generation toured Europe and won 10 consecutive matches, including yet another victory against European champion Real Madrid (4�3) on 14 June, which sealed the Paris Tournament title - this match was the first ever, at a competitive level, between two continental champions.

It also was the only international tournament Real didn't win between 1955 and 1960.

Vasco would also beat Athletic Bilbao (champion of the Spanish League and Cup in the previous year) by winning the traditional Teresa Herrera Trophy with a 4�2 scoreline, and Barcelona (champion of the Spanish Cup a week earlier) inside Les Corts, with a historic scoreline of 2�7, the second worst defeat ever suffered at home by the Catalan team, and largest in international matches.

[15] Benfica (Portuguese champion and Latin Cup runner-up) was also a victim of Vasco on this tour, losing to the Brazilian club with another impressive result, 5�2, in Lisbon on 30 June 1957.[16]

In early 1958, just before the World Cup, Vasco won the Rio-S�o Paulo Tournament, the most important championship in Brazil at the time, which in this edition included teams such as Santos of Pel�, Botafogo of Garrincha, Flamengo of Zagallo and Fluminense of Tel� Santana.

After this memorable title, three Vasco players had important parts in the campaign for the first Brazil World Cup title: Vav� (who scored five goals in the World Cup, including two in the final) and defenders Orlando and Bellini (the best defending pair of the tournament, Bellini was still the Brazilian captain).

After the World Cup, the team then won the greatest Carioca Championship of all time.

In an epic competition against Flamengo of Zagallo and Botafogo of Garrincha and Nilton Santos (it needed two extra tiebreaker tournaments to decide the champion), Vasco became the carioca "super-superchampion" of 1958.

In 1959, the team went on to beat great European teams like Italian champion Milan and Atletico de Madrid (European Cup semi-finalist on that year) in the Metropolitano.

Vasco was also Rio-S�o Tournament runner-up this year, only behind Santos of Pel�.

Still in 1959, five Vasco players were called up for the 1959 Copa America: Paulinho, Orlando, Bellini, Coronel (defenders) and Almir (striker).

Brazil would end the tournament unbeaten (four wins and two draws) with the four aforementioned Vasco players almost always being included in the starting eleven.

Despite the good campaign, Argentina would keep the title, after ending the tournament with an extra victory.

Vasco, together with Botafogo, was the club that gave the most players to the Brazil national team in that period.

Most football lovers think this Vasco was one of the best clubs of the world at the time, and maybe the best in 1957�58.[17]

1970s: First League Title [ edit ]

In the 1965 Campeonato Brasileiro, Vasco da Gama reached the league's final and were very close to winning its first league title, but lost to Pele's Santos 1�6 on aggregate.

In 1970, under star players Roberto Dinamite and Edgardo Andrada, Vasco won the regional title for the first time in 12 years.

In 1974, they won their first league title, with Roberto Dinamite as the top scorer.

In addition, they became the first team from Rio to win the league.

Cruzeiro and Vasco had ended the season with the same number of points, meaning that a second match had to be played; Vasco later beat Cruzeiro 2�1 and wonc the title.[18]

1997�2000: Second Golden era [ edit ]

After winning the Campeonato Brasileiro in 1997, beating Palmeiras in the final, Vasco started its Projeto T�quio, and invested US$10 million to win the 1998 Copa Libertadores.

Vasco da Gama won the Copa Libertadores in its Centenary Year, beating Barcelona of Ecuador in the finals 4�1 on aggregate, and 50 years after winning its first South American trophy (South American Championship of Champions).

By winning the Copa Libertadores title, Vasco da Gama faced the 1997�98 UEFA Champions League winners Real Madrid at the 1998 Intercontinental Cup, in Tokyo, Japan, losing 2�1.

As a result of their Copa Libertadores title two years prior, Vasco entered the inaugural 2000 FIFA Club World Championship held in Brazil.

They beat Manchester United of England, Necaxa of Mexico, and South Melbourne of Australia in the group stage to reach the final.

It finished 0�0 after extra time in an all-Brazilian clash with Corinthians, but Vasco lost 3�4 in the penalty shootout.

Also in 2000, Vasco won the Copa Mercosur against Palmeiras in a historic match on 20 December 2000.

Typically the finals are played over two legs, but a third match would be needed if a different team won each leg.

This ended up being the case; Vasco had won the first leg 2�0, but Palmeiras won the second leg 1�0 six days later.

Trailing 3�0 at the end of first-half, with Palmeiras scoring 2 goals in less than a minute, Vasco managed to score 3 goals to level the match at 3�3 with five minutes remaining, while playing with 10 men after J�nior Baiano got a red card in the 77th minute.

In the 93rd minute, Rom�rio scored a decisive goal and Vasco won the match 4�3.

[19] The match is still considered one of the best games in Brazilian history.[20][21][22]

Vasco won the Copa Jo�o Havelange in 2000.

Seen as a controversial competition organized by Clube dos 13 rather than CBF, Vasco played S�o Caetano in the finals.

The club drew the first game 1�1 at Est�dio Palestra It�lia, and the second game was called off by Rio de Janeiro State Governor Anthony Garotinho in the first half because a fence collapsed at S�o Janu�rio Stadium, which resulted in the injuries of many fans.

[23][24][25] Despite the disaster, Vasco won the rescheduled second leg 3�1 to lift the trophy.

2001�2008: Decline [ edit ]

After winning the Copa Mercosul in 2000, the club experienced a sharp decline, narrowly avoiding relegation in 2003 and 2004, although in 2005 they qualified for the 2006 Copa Sudamericana with a 12th-placed finish.

Vasco's 2006 season was decent, finishing sixth in the league and gaining qualification for the following years Sudamericana, as well as reaching the Copa do Brasil final for the first time, losing to Flamengo.

2012 Vasco shirt

2008: First ever Relegation [ edit ]

The team finished the 2008 S�rie A in a disastrous 18th place and was relegated to the second division for the first time since its foundation after a 0�2 home loss against EC Vit�ria.

[26] Until then, it had been one of only six clubs to have never been relegated from the first division, along with Cruzeiro, Flamengo, Santos and S�o Paulo.

(The last two didn't participate in the 1979 Brazilian Championship, in order to avoid conflicts with Paulista Championship schedule.)

Vasco immediately secured their return to Serie A, sealing promotion to the 2010 S�rie A on 7 November 2009 with a 2�1 victory over Juventude in front of a Serie B-record 81,000 fans at Maracan�, and finishing as Serie B champions as well.[27]

2010�2012: Copa do Brasil title, Return to Copa Libertadores [ edit ]

In the 2010 league season, their first season back in the top flight since relegation, Vasco finished in 11th place, and qualified for the 2011 Copa Sudamericana.

In the 2010 Copa do Brasil, the team reached the quarterfinals, being eliminated by Vitoria on away goals.

2011: The Redemption Year [ edit ]

Vasco beat Coritiba on away goals in the 2011 Copa do Brasil finals, and lifted the trophy for the first time in the club's history.

[28] In the S�rie A, Vasco enjoyed an excellent campaign, finishing only 2 points behind Corinthians.

A win on the last matchday would've given them the title, as Corinthians drew their match, but Flamengo held Vasco to a draw.

The club also ended the year as semifinalists in the Copa Sudamericana, a competition that saw the club defeat Palmeiras, Aurora and Universitario in historic fashion before being eliminated by eventual champion Universidad de Chile on away goals.

The season was dubbed as "Vasco's Redemption Year", with many lauding Vasco as one of Brazilian football's elite teams once again.

2012: Return to Copa Libertadores [ edit ]

Vasco's played their first final of 2012 in the Taca Guanabara, losing 1�3 to Fluminense after eliminating Flamengo in the semifinals.

Two months later, they were playing a final again, this time losing to Botafogo in the Taca Rio, eliminating Flamengo in the semifinals again.

Vasco qualified for the 2012 Copa Libertadores as Brazilian Cup champion, marking a return to the top South American competition after 12 years.

In the group stage, Vasco finished second tied with Libertad on points and only losing once.

Vasco beat Lan�s on penalties in the round of 16,[29] to set a quarterfinal matchup with Corinthians, who eliminated Vasco 1�0 with an 88th-minute goal.

[30] In the Brazilian Championship, the team set the record for 54 consecutive rounds in the top 4 (continuing from the 2011 and 2012 seasons), although they ultimately finished in fifth and missed out on qualifying for the Libertadores the following year due to poor form, losing six of their last ten games.

2013�present: More relegations [ edit ]

2013: Second-ever Relegation [ edit ]

After a good season in 2012, Vasco started their 2013 poorly and were hampered by financial issues.

In the Taca Rio, the club had a terrible campaign and finished seventh of eight in the table.

By the end of the year, the club had been relegated for the second time in 5 years and just the second time in their history, which was secured with a 5�1 defeat to Atletico Paranaense on the final matchday.

[31] In the Copa do Brasil the team entered in the round of 16, beating Nacional and then being eliminated by Goi�s on away goals, despite winning the second leg 3�2.

After one season in the S�rie B during 2014, the team gained promotion, and in May 2015, won the Campeonato Carioca after a 12-year drought.

However, they were relegated again in the 2015 edition, placing eighteenth, although they became back-to-back Carioca champions by winning the tournament in 2016 as well.

Once again, they were promoted after one season in the B-level league, and in the 2020 season they were relegated for the fourth time and, for the first time, spent two consecutive seasons in the second division as they failed to be promoted during the 2021 season, placing tenth.[32]

2022: 777 Partners [ edit ]

On 22 February 2022 it was announced that 777 Partners, a Miami-based private investment firm founded by Steven W.

Pasko and Josh Wander, bought a controlling stake in Vasco da Gama.

According to the terms of the deal, 777 Partners acquired a 70% stake in the club which was valued at approximately $330 million.[33]

On 6 November 2022, Vasco sealed their return to S�rie A, after a two-year absence.

Support [ edit ]

According to census and polls, Vasco da Gama is the second most supported club in Rio de Janeiro state, and varies between the third and fifth most supported club in Brazil, with an estimate of more than 15 million supporters in the country.

[34][35][36] Vasco fans are very diverse stretching across social class lines, however the core of most Vasco support lies within the working class of the Northern Zone of Rio de Janeiro and Rio outskirt cities like Niter�i.

Vasco da Gama have significant support in other regions in Brazil, notably the Northeastern and North regions as well as strongholds in southern Minas Gerais, Espirito Santo and in Santa Catarina.

Vasco also have a huge support in Distrito Federal; a study conducted by TV Globo concluded that Vasco were the second-most supported team in the city, behind Flamengo.

[37] As of 29 June 2022, the club has 60,326 s�cios in its membership program, having its peak in December 2019 with more than 178,000 memberships.[38]

Main torcidas organizadas

For�a Jovem Vasco [39]

Guerreiros do AlmiranteIra Jovem

Torcida Organizada do VascoRastaFor�a IndependenteMancha NegraVasconhaUni�o Vasca�naSuper JovemLoucos pelo Vasco

Notable or public supporters

Other sports [ edit ]

Although best known as a football, rowing and swimming club, Vasco da Gama is actually a comprehensive sports club.

Its basketball section, CR Vasco da Gama Basquete (three times Brazilian Champion and four times South-American Champion) produced former NBA player Nen�.

The club is also the first Brazilian club to play against an NBA team, against San Antonio Spurs, in 1999, in the McDonald's Championship final.

Its rowing team is one of the best of Brazil and of the continent, which swimmers regularly represent Brazil in international competitions.

Vasco da Gama also has a four-times National Champion women's soccer team as well.

Vasco's beach soccer team is one of the best in the world, being once World Champion, three times South-American Champion and many times National Champion.

In addition to these, Vasco has many other sports with World, South American and Brazilian titles.

Players [ edit ]

First team squad [ edit ]

As of 13 August 2023

Note: Flags indicate national team as defined under FIFA eligibility rules.

Players may hold more than one non-FIFA nationality.

Youth academy [ edit ]

Note: Flags indicate national team as defined under FIFA eligibility rules.

Players may hold more than one non-FIFA nationality.

Out on loan [ edit ]

Note: Flags indicate national team as defined under FIFA eligibility rules.

Players may hold more than one non-FIFA nationality.

Management hierarchy and Technical Staff [ edit ]Honours [ edit ]Others [ edit ]

Friendly tournaments [ edit ]Statistics [ edit ]Explanation:

Campeonato Brasileiro S�rie A Campeonato Brasileiro S�rie B Promoted Relegated

Former head coaches [ edit ]

Top scorers [ edit ]

Updated November 2015Stadium [ edit ]

CR Vasco da Gama at Est�dio S�o Janu�rio, September 2008

Vasco da Gama's stadium is Est�dio S�o Janu�rio, inaugurated in 1927, with a maximum capacity of 35,000 people.

The National Championship games have a maximum capacity of 21,880 people, for security reasons.[2]Rivals [ edit ]

Vasco's biggest rivals are from the same city: Fluminense, Botafogo and Flamengo, with the latter being its biggest rival.

The games between Vasco and Flamengo ("Millions Derby") are the most watched in Brazil.

The matches are usually played in the Maracan�, and reunite two of the biggest crowds of Rio de Janeiro.[48]

Kit evolution [ edit ]

Vasco da Gama's kit evolution

Vasco da Gama is one of the oldest Brazilian clubs and has had several different kits in its history.

Vasco da Gama's first kit, used in rowing, was created in 1898, and was completely black, with a left diagonal sash.

Vasco da Gama's first football kit, created in 1916, was completely black, and was easily identified because of the presence of a white tie and a belt.

In 1929, the club's kit was changed.

The tie and the belt were removed.

However, the kit remained all-black.

In the 1930s, the home kit's color was changed again.

The kit became black with a white right diagonal sash.

In 1945, the kit's color was changed to white, and a black diagonal sash was introduced.

The sash was introduced because the club's manager at the time, the Uruguayan Ondino Viera liked the sash used in his previous club's kit, River Plate of Argentina, and adopted this pattern in Vasco's away kit.

So, both kits had a right-to-left diagonal sash.[49]

In 1988, the sash located on the back of the shirt was removed.

In 1998, the kit design was changed again.

This kit became very similar to the 1945 one.

However, a thin red line outlined the sash.

Vasco currently has three kits.

The home shirt's main color is black with a white sash.

The short and the socks are black.

The away kit is similar to the home kit, but the main color is white, the sash is black, and the shorts and socks are white.

In 2009�10 the third kit was all white, with a red "cross of the Knights Templar".

In 2010, the away kit changed to black in honor of 1923's team, which gave up playing for having black players, which were not allowed to play with white players at that time.

From July 2009, after breaking the partnership with Champs,[50] to 2013, the official jerseys were produced by Penalty.

[51] Since 2020, the kits are made by Kappa (brand).[citation needed]

Logo and flag [ edit ]

The eight stars on the badge and flag signify: 1- South American Championship of Champions: 1948; 2- Copa Libertadores: 1998; 3- Copa Mercosur: 2000; 4- Campeonato Brasileiro S�rie A: 1974; 5- 1989; 6- 1997; 7- 2000; 8- The Unbeaten Championship of Earth-and-sea of 1945.

Anthems [ edit ]

Vasco's official anthem was composed in 1918, by Joaquim Barros Ferreira da Silva, it was the club's first anthem.

[52] There is another official anthem, created in the 1930s, called "Meu Pavilh�o" (meaning My Pavilion), whose lyrics were composed by Jo�o de Freitas and music by Hernani Correia.

This anthem replaced the previous one.

The club's most popular anthem, however, is an unofficial anthem composed by Lamartine Babo in 1942.

Clubs named after Vasco [ edit ]

Due to Vasco's tradition, several clubs are named after it, including Associa��o Desportiva Vasco da Gama, of Acre state, founded in 1952, Vasco Esporte Clube, of Sergipe state, founded in 1931, Esporte Clube Vasco da Gama, of Americana, S�o Paulo state, founded in 1958, Vasco Sports Club, which is an Indian football club founded in 1951, and CR Vasco da Gama Football Club, which is a South African football club founded in 1980.

Tomazinho Futebol Clube, from S�o Jo�o de Meriti, Rio de Janeiro state, founded in 1930, has a logo strongly inspired by Vasco's logo, and share the same colors.

References [ edit ]

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